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Sports10 Reasons Why I'm Not Stef Smith Girlfriend

10 Reasons Why I’m Not Stef Smith Girlfriend

You might ask yourself why I would ever not want to be stef smith girlfriend or boyfriend with someone. Well, there are some reasons that might not seem too appealing at first but if you look closer, there’s a lot of wisdom in them. You see, being with one person for the rest of your life isn’t ideal. It limits you, it closes you off from new experiences and opportunities and it also makes you weak in different ways. And that’s something we both should be wary of because being too close to someone can make you grow sickly very quickly. Someone who is too dependent on one person will also feel like their heart will stop beating when that person leaves. Which is why never being a girlfriend or boyfriend again after trying it once isn’t such a bad thing for us as individuals. Here are 10 good reasons why:

You’ll Never Learn New Skills

When you are in a relationship, you are expected to be a certain way. If you want to try new skills, learn new things or want to take up a new hobby, you have to be the one to put in the effort. You have to be the one who wants to grow and expand as a person, not someone else. You have to be the one who wants to learn how to cook or how to drive a car or how to be more independent. When you are with someone, you are expected to be all those things but if that’s not who you are, you’ll never grow in those ways. You’ll never learn how to be more confident or how to be out with friends without feeling too shy. You’ll never learn how to stand up for yourself or how to cook for someone you like. You might think that you know how to do these things but the reality is that you’ll never know until you try. And, who knows, you might even end up liking it.

You’ll Never Discover Who you Really Are

Relationships are expected to make us discover who we are as people. They are supposed to inspire us to get out of our comfort zones, learn more about ourselves and become more confident. But there are also a lot of things about us that we don’t know, things that are inside us that we don’t want to show the world. We might not even know that we have them but when we are with someone, we feel so pressured to show them who we really are. And that’s not always a good thing. Relationships are supposed to push us out of our comfort zones and make us see things from different angles but they should not change us into someone else. It should make us discover who we really are but it should not make us change who we are. It’s okay to be yourself in a relationship. It’s okay to be who you are and have that person love you for that. But, it should not make you change who you are.

You’ll Never Feel Independent

Being with someone means that you have to rely on them a lot. You have to make sure that they are okay, that they have what they need, that they are taken care of. You have to be the one who takes the initiative, who takes care of things. Being in a relationship might make you feel like you have to be strong and independent all the time but that’s not always a good feeling. If you are the one who has to be strong, who has to make sure that the other person is okay and taken care of, then you’ll feel very dependent on that person. You’ll feel very limited and very weak in a way. It’s okay to rely on someone else, it’s even okay to rely on only one person in your life. But, it’s not okay to rely on someone to the point where it makes you feel helpless and weak.

It Limits your Social Life

It might be expected of you to go out and get to know new people with your boyfriend or stef smith girlfriend but that doesn’t mean you have to do it together. Sometimes, it’s better for you to meet new people on your own and see what happens than to go out with someone who might not be interested in doing that. If you are in a relationship, you have to be the one to take the initiative to go out with your friends. You have to be the one to suggest something fun or exciting. You have to be the one who wants to go out more and create new memories together but you don’t have to do that all the time. It’s perfectly fine to take a break from socialising together from time to time. You don’t have to be someone who is obsessed with going out all the time, who is always trying to make plans with your boyfriend or who is always asking when you are both going out.

It Makes you Too Clingy

It’s important to know when you are too clingy with someone. It’s important to know when you are letting someone close to you without letting them close enough. It’s important to know when you feel the need to be in someone’s arms all the time but it’s not always a good feeling. You might feel guilty about it but it’s something that you have to be careful of. When you are too clingy to someone, when you let them in too much and let them have too much of your time, you have to let them go. When you are too clingy, you have to close yourself off, you have to make sure that you are not giving too much of yourself away. You have to make sure that you are not letting that person close enough.

It Makes you Both Lazy

Relationships make you both lazy. Yes, you might feel like you have to go out and make new memories and meet new people but all that can make you lazy. All that can make you feel like you don’t want to do anything without your partner around. Relationships can turn you into the opposite of who you want to be. They can make you feel like you don’t want to do anything without your partner around, they can make you feel like you don’t want to go out and create new memories on your own. Relationships can turn you into someone who is too dependent on someone else, someone who doesn’t want to do anything on their own because they feel like they don’t need to. They don’t want to grow and they don’t want to expand themselves.


Relationships are great. They are something that most people want to experience and something that most people want to be in. But, they aren’t for everyone. They aren’t for those who want to experience new things, they aren’t for those who want to grow and expand as people and they aren’t for those who want to feel stef smith girlfriend independent and strong. They are for those who want to feel weak and scared. And, guess what? That’s not for everyone. It’s not for those who want to be loved for who they are, for those who want to be independent and for those who want to feel like they are good enough on their own. It’s for those who want to be weak and dependent on someone else, someone who feels like they are not good enough on their own. And that’s why never being a girlfriend or boyfriend again after trying it once isn’t such a bad thing for us as individuals.

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