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MediaIs Joe Biden Confused?

Is Joe Biden Confused?

There is so much confusion surrounding joe biden confused, including the phlegmy cough, his relationship with Vladimir Putin, and even his confusion in meeting with rabbis. If the liberal media isn’t chiding him, what is? Is the president-elect confused? Is he genuinely confused? Read on to learn more. Hopefully this article will help shed some light on Biden’s ongoing confusion.

Biden’s Phlegmy Cough

US Vice President joe biden confusedis facing an uphill battle following his recent COVID-19 testing and the resulting isolation. While he has made several public appearances since being hospitalized with the illness, many have questioned his motives. The first public appearance was his handshake with a female senator last week, and subsequent coughing spells on stage were a source of agitation for many.

It’s possible that Biden’s phlegmy cold is causing him to cough. But he’s not the only one suffering from the virus. It’s not entirely clear what is causing the cough. His aides have said that he’s suffering from a “mild” cold. But his coughing spell came on during a speech in support of California Gov. Gavin Newsom. After apologizing for his hacking, Biden stopped his speech to take a sip of water. Biden’s doctor confirmed his fitness to serve as president. The illness is not contagious, but it does cause a sore throat.

The president’s symptoms have improved, according to his doctor. His pulse, blood pressure, and oxygen levels remain normal. Biden has had symptoms of COVID-19 since Thursday and is taking additional medications for his cough and temperature. A physician who worked with him to provide the treatment said that the president has “most likely” contracted the most common strain in the United States. In addition to the Covid medication, he has also been taking Tylenol to treat the fever.

During the illness, the vice president had a phlegmy cough, which has left him confused. He’s been under hospitalized for three nights at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, and now plans to stay in isolation until the virus clears him. This has affected his schedule, but he has kept in touch with his staff, and even appeared virtually at a meeting on gas prices.

His Relationship with Putin

His relationship with Vladimir Putin has left the Vice President of the United States perplexed. While he should have been diplomatic in his approach, the vice president chose the other option. The conflict in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region has been a proxy war between Russia and the West with no apparent motive. In addition, Russian intelligence agents travelled to Britain to poison former spy Sergei Skripal. It is unclear whether these acts of terrorism were motivated by the Russian government or by Biden’s own personal agenda.

In his latest off-the-cuff remarks about Russia and Ukraine, Biden’s words may be interpreted by Russians as belligerent. Other slip-ups on the Russia-Ukraine issue have been equally confusing. For instance, two days ago, Biden stated that if Russia used chemical weapons in Ukraine, the U.S. would respond in kind. That could enrage Russia, and lead to a confrontation that has no clear end in sight.

In the past, Biden has reacted to George W. Bush’s 2001 remarks by saying, “I don’t think Putin has a soul.” But a senior administration official said that Biden’s reaction is consistent with his own previous comments. While Biden has warned that democracy is losing ground to authoritarian governments, he has repeatedly called Putin a “bully” and a “kleptomaniac.”

The President Biden’s reaction is telling. While Trump rarely criticizes Putin, the Russian president never achieved a single positive outcome in U.S.-Russia relations. And Biden’s comments don’t stop Putin from engaging with Biden on strategic stability issues. The two leaders are not likely to stop talking unless he’s convinced it advances his interests. In the meantime, both sides are confused.

In addition to his ad-libbed remarks during the Warsaw summit, joe biden confused also needs to exercise caution when speaking. While gaffes involving politicians are easier to clean up, mistakes concerning foreign leaders can lead to military escalation. The last thing the world needs right now is for President Obama and Joe Biden to become more confused than ever. So, what can Biden do to resolve this conflict?

His Confusion During Meeting with Rabbis

During a meeting with rabbis, Joe Biden was asked about his daughter’s Jewish-Catholic wedding. Although his daughter is Catholic and her husband Jewish, he explains that he wants to play a Catholic hymn at the wedding. But Biden’s speech soon trails off into another thought. As the second Catholic president in US history, joe biden confused has often encountered friction with the church regarding issues such as abortion, which is completely antithetical to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

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