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PoliticsKamala VP Harris, Vice President and New Communications Director, Suggests Biden Was...

Kamala VP Harris, Vice President and New Communications Director, Suggests Biden Was Dazed and Confused


The statement from Kamala Harris, Vice President and New Communications Director, comes at a time when Biden has regained his confidence after returning to the White House. While some members of Congress struggle to answer, Biden has shown new self-confidence since returning to the White House. However, there has been a noticeable lack of enthusiasm among members of Congress when it comes to answering questions on the issue.


kamala harris statement today

The recent allegations that Sen. Biden was dazed and confused by the Afghanistan policy have given rise to a fierce campaign against the former vice president. Although the current vice president should be a lock to win the Democratic presidential nomination, speculation about a possible challenger has escalated into a high-level insider parlor game. Other politicians have laid the groundwork for a potential bid if Harris falters.

While the Biden campaign has dismissed the concerns of Harris, Sanders pointed to her recent trip to Paris, where she was dispatched to smooth diplomatic relations. The senator’s supporters have defended her choice and blamed the reporters for penning negative stories that played into structural problems. But the Democrats must do better than that. While Harris’s statement today suggests she is faking defeat, Biden’s advisers have argued that she is not a weak candidate and should be given the opportunity to prove herself.

The new communications director for Harris is Jamal Simmons, a Michigan native and former host of “Why You Should Care” on The Hill. He’s been associated with national politics for many years, and also served as Al Gore’s deputy communications director. He was brought in during an overhaul of the vice president’s office. In August, he aired a segment entitled “Dazed and Confused,” mocking Biden’s conflation of stories. His comments were taken as a swipe at the COVID-19 vaccine. While the administration was quick to approve the vaccine, the resulting outrage has left Harris’s supporters scratching their heads.

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After Ashley Etienne stepped down as vp harris new comms director suggested biden dazed and confused in November, a new hire was named to replace her. Jamal Simmons was the host of “Why You Should Care,” the Hill’s news program, which featured an article titled “Dazed and Confused,” which poked fun at the vice president’s seemingly incomprehensible stories.

In recent months, Harris’ approval rating has slipped below 30 percent, and seven staffers quit the administration following the border trip. In addition to Simmons, she was also the first choice of other Democratic candidates, who were eyeing the 2024 race if Biden declined. Despite her low approval rating, Biden’s team had tapped her to lead an election reform effort, which failed due to the Senate filibuster rule.

Several reports on the relationship between the vice president and his wife have cast doubt on Harris’s ability to do her job well. During a debate in June, Harris criticized her husband for picking her as his running mate. After this, the first lady grew increasingly frustrated with Harris’s lack of progress on difficult policy issues. Biden’s resignation came as no surprise to her, but it did a number of things for the president-elect.


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Senator Harris has hired Jamal Simmons as her new communications director, replacing Ashley Etienne, who quit the position in December. Simmons’ previous gig was as host of The Hill’s “Why You Should Care” news show. In August, Simmons made light of the vice presidential nominee’s recent gaffes by stating “Biden is a dummy.” However, the interview was not all bad. In fact, she did address some of Biden’s tweets, including one that made national headlines in 2010.

The theory quickly spread to right-wing media, which quickly called Faulkner to clarify that her theory was based on speculation. It also spread to the press briefing room. When NBC News reporter Peter Alexander asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki about the potential nomination of Harris, she said she was not going to address speculation about the Supreme Court. Psaki declined to comment on the rumors, but refused to wave the question away. The Fox News White House correspondent continued, however, to refuse to address the issue, despite the press briefing being closed to the public.


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After a few months as Vice President of California, Kamala Harris is back in the headlines, after her new communications director suggested she was “dazed and confused” during a meeting with the president. Harris, who also is a senator, has a low approval rating and has been targeted by other Democrats as a possible running mate in 2024. She was also recently selected by the Obama administration to lead the efforts to overhaul the electoral process – an effort that ultimately failed due to the Senate filibuster rule.

Harris’s new comms director is Jamal Simmons, a political strategist who once hosted the news show “Why You Should Care” on The Hill. She has also been criticized for making controversial statements in the past, including a mocking comment about Biden’s recent comments regarding the death penalty. Despite her apparent lack of experience, Simmons has already received criticism from immigration advocates for her comments, and has since clarified that she was not suggesting that immigrants be detained.


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The president-elect is being criticized by a number of Democrats over his handling of the Medicare for All issue. While Biden’s new comms director is calling him out, Simmons has a history of criticizing the Obama administration. He has made controversial statements about the Obama administration, including the waterboarding of undocumented immigrants. And he once warned Biden not to assume he could win the Black vote, and he also called the Kamala Harris campaign lackluster, listless, and unfocused.

The VP’s comms director Jamal Simmons will be the new person in charge of press operations. He replaces Ashley Etienne, who resigned from the position in December. In August of 2019, he hosted a news program on The Hill and poked fun at Biden’s comments on COVID-19 vaccines. Biden was already on the defensive about the vaccine, but Simmons said it could not be helped.

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Kamala Harris’s incoming communications director, Jamal Simmons, has made headlines for his recent comments. He mocked Joe Biden for conflating stories, and in August 2019 hosted a segment on MSNBC aimed at making his tales sound more credible. The new communications director was appointed to try to turn around the troubled office of the vice president.

The Washington Post published a damaging expose on Harris, which cited 18 sources that said Harris was not prepared for briefings and turned on staff who weren’t prepared. At the time of the article, two high-ranking staffers had already resigned, with two more said to be heading for the door. Aside from the new director, many people within the White House are unhappy with the direction of the campaign.

But the controversy is not all bad. The new comms director has already been on the campaign trail and made several controversial statements, namely that Biden should be deported because he is unqualified to serve as president. But these statements contradict Biden’s own policies on immigration. In a 2010 tweet, Simmons said that ICE should not pick up protesters because they are undocumented. However, he did donate to Senator Harris’ campaign, and has since taken a position in the presidential race.



During the midterm elections, Vice President Kamala Harris was accused of being ‘dazed and confused’ by her advisers. While it was unclear if Harris was truly confused, she had left the White House late Friday and did not return until early Saturday. Her aides were upset that Harris had been given an unsuitable portfolio and was setting herself up for failure. It is unclear if Harris is just getting frustrated because of her position as first woman of color and first African-American to hold a top job.

The CDC’s guidance explains that Simmons is in “close contact” with Harris. As long as Harris follows these guidelines, the former Obama administration official will continue to be visible in public. Harris’s new comms director has suggested that he was ‘dazed and confused’ in a tweet from 2010.

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In her new book, Harris has said she’s fed up with her husband and his vice presidential choice. The vice president’s office declined to comment. It has been reported that first lady Jill Biden is unhappy with the choice and criticized the vice president for her remarks in the June presidential debate. If this is true, then Harris is clearly losing her credibility.

In October 2010, Simmons, then the vice president’s deputy director of public engagement and intergovernmental affairs, spoke to MSNBC about immigration policy. Her statement, released the next day, sparked backlash and mockery from progressives and immigration activists. After her announcement, Harris’ office reached out to Harris’ office to respond to the backlash, but her response was not immediate.

The resignations of Harris’s aides also came amid reports of tension and dissension within the White House. A Washington Post exposé alleges that Harris ignored briefings and turned on staff for being unprepared. The post also reports that two high level aides have left the office. At the same time, two others are said to be on their way out.

Harris' New Communications Director Suggestions Biden Dazed and Confused About Border Security Leaks

It’s not clear if Vice President Joe Biden was satisfied with the leaks. However, he was not happy with the NBC News question on border security and its subsequent response. Harris’ new comms director did not deny the substance of her reporting, saying she respects the work of the Senator. While she also expressed displeasure with leaks, she said she is proud of Harris’ work.

Congressional Black Caucus vp harris vp harris vp buttigieg vp buttigieg vp harris vp buttigieg vp harris

While both are regarded as capable of handling the office of vice president, there are important differences between them. Congressional Black Caucus Vice President Harris has extensive experience in public service. Buttigieg has relatively limited experience, having served as mayor of South Bend, Ind. before taking a paternity leave. And, like Harris, Buttigieg is openly gay, a trait that has earned him many supporters.

In a race filled with diverse candidates, Harris’s selection to become the next vice president is particularly important. Her candidacy has been plagued by criticism after a series of missteps. Her low approval ratings have made her an easy target for the right. Meanwhile, Harris has been surrounded by a new generation of Democratic leaders. In addition to being a woman of color, Harris is several decades younger than Biden, a characteristic that he sought to fill with Harris.

Harris has also embraced bipartisanship, and her past experience in politics has made her the frontrunner among Black Democrats. She previously operated a robotic arm at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center that’s being tested for a future refueling mission of the Landsat 7 satellite. Despite this background, Harris has had a tough time in the political arena, as evidenced by recent polls. One recent poll from Fox News showed her with 45 percent approval rating and 53 percent disapproval.

The Congressional Black Caucus’ No. 2 choice, Kamala Harris, has faced criticism for her past handling of police-involved incidents. The upcoming Transportation Department will be a test for Harris, and her reputation may well be on the line. However, Harris’s close ties with Biden and the black community in South Bend will help her gain support in the Democratic Party.

While Biden has said he plans to run for another term, his poll numbers are too low to call him the frontrunner. If Biden decides to run for another term in 2020, he would be a lame duck. However, some Democratic leaders believe that Harris should be replaced by Buttigieg despite her low favorability ratings.

While both Buttigieg and Harris have been seen as potential rivals down the line, the two seem to get along well for now. Buttigieg and Harris have spent considerable time preparing for last year’s debate with Vice President Mike Pence. Hence, they have become close friends. The Democratic party is a major player in determining who will win the White House in 2020.

Harris has a good job approval rating of 32 per cent, which is slightly higher than that of Buttigieg. A poll conducted by USA Today/Suffolk University found that 51 percent of voters disapproved of Harris’ job performance as vice president. A survey by Fox News also found that 45 percent of registered voters approved of Harris’ job performance as vice president.

NBC News' question about border security

As the bipartisan group of senators prepares to unveil their immigration-reform legislation, a hot-button issue will once again surface – the border. In recent years, the debate has centered on the security of the U.S.-Mexico border. NBC News’ Mark Potter, who has been reporting on the border for years, answers the question “How secure is our border?”

While Vice President Kamala Harris has never visited the border, she has been in charge of tackling the migration crisis for our nation. Her latest trip to Mexico and Guatemala was a chance to talk about the underlying causes of this unprecedented migrant flow. However, the issue has been raging for some time, and the Vice President said she is cautiously optimistic about the ongoing immigration problems but warned that a quick solution is unlikely.

NBC's response to vp harris' tweet about border security

In April, President Barack Obama sounded the alarm about the caravan of Central American migrants pouring across the U.S.-Mexico border. Earlier this week, Harris visited Guatemala to lead diplomatic efforts. While speaking at a press conference with the president of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, Harris warned migrants not to go to the border. NBC, however, took the opposite tack.

While the Biden administration has struggled to contain the influx of migrants, polls show that Americans are still deeply concerned. While some want to stop the flow of migrants altogether, others support sweeping immigration reforms. Regardless of the political climate, Harris was assigned the task of addressing the root causes of this problem. But she has a lot to learn before her trip to the border.

In the meantime, Harris has visited Guatemala to engage in bilateral talks to address the “root causes” of the migrant crisis. She says that humane immigration policies and tough border security are not mutually exclusive. However, NBC’s response to Harris’ tweet about border security was more empathetic than helpful. The network’s response to Harris’ tweet was an uninformed and edgy response to the former attorney general.

Lester Holt asked Vice President Kamala Harris why she had not visited the border herself. While the Biden administration has stressed that the issue of immigration is rooted in the problems of Central America, Harris has yet to visit the border. Lester Holt’s response to Harris’ tweet was far from positive. A more supportive response is necessary. But it’s important to remember that NBC’s response to Harris’ tweet was unconstructive.

Lester Holt also asked Kamala Harris on her visit to Guatemala, where she was working on solutions to the “root causes” of migration. She is now in charge of curbing the flow of migrants at the border. While she hasn’t yet visited the border in her new role, the vice president expressed cautious optimism about tackling the immigration crisis. However, she warned that there is no “quick fix.”

The criticism directed at Harris has been deeply rooted in racism. Her selection as Vice President makes her even more of a target. Many see her as Biden’s heir apparent. Furthermore, there is a double standard for women, especially powerful ones who make it look tough in public. In the case of Harris, that double standard applies to her as well. In the eyes of many, her tweet was an affront to a Democratic voter.


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