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U.SThe Pants Guy Ripped Off His Pants While Riding an Escalator

The Pants Guy Ripped Off His Pants While Riding an Escalator


A commuter riding the MBTA has survived an escalator that ripped off his pants. Another incident took place in Malden, Massachusetts, when a 89-year-old man fell down the pants guy escalator while riding it at the Chinatown Station. His coat became tangled in the machinery and he fell. Fortunately, he didn’t sustain any injuries. The escalator has been cleared for service, but the pants guy will likely never ride it again.

Escalator ripped off commuter's pants

A commuter’s pants were ripped off by an escalator at a New York City subway station this morning. Three people were riding down from an upper level of the building when the woman’s pants caught. The pants were slightly long for her height and caught the escalator. She began to tip over and land on her face. Her pants began to come off inch by inch as her companions desperately tried to save her. One of them found the emergency shutoff button.

The MBTA Office of Public Art is responsible for the installation, which runs through April 12. Until April 12, the MBTA spokesman said the escalator malfunctioned and tore off the commuter’s pants. The MBTA confirmed the accident, which took place around 8:30 a.m. A commuter from Malden fell on an escalator Tuesday, losing his pants. The commuter’s coat became tangled in the machinery.

Inspection found no defects

In the past few years, escalator safety has been in the spotlight thanks to a video that was captured in China earlier this year. The video showed a mother rescuing a toddler from the escalator, and it sparked increased coverage. The video also showed a man from Shanghai, China, lose his leg and two other passengers, including a one-year-old and a six-year-old, are badly injured. Another incident in Shanghai involved a four-year-old boy who died while wedged under a handrail. All of these accidents could have been avoided with regular inspections and maintenance.


escalator cleared to be returned to service

A MBTA commuter was rescued from an escalator that sucked his pants. In another incident, a 89-year-old Malden man was hospitalized after his coat got caught in the machinery and he fell. Thankfully, the man did not suffer any serious injuries. The state office of public safety inspected the escalator and cleared it to return to service.

A Pants Guy Ripped Off a Commuter's Pants on an Escalator

In a recent article, MBTA officials urged commuters to be extra careful about loose clothing on escalators, after a pants guy ripped off a man’s pants on a public escalator. Despite the warning, these escalator pranksters continue to create these slapstick videos. Regardless of why these pranksters are so amusing, a few tips can help prevent the pants guy from pulling on your pants.

MBTA officials urge commuters to be mindful of loose clothing on escalators

A recent escalator malfunction left a Commuter Rail train delayed by several hours, while transit police, Boston fire and emergency medical services responded to the scene. According to witnesses, an escalator flattened out, and nine people fell. The injuries were minor, but witnesses said the scene was bloody. “My pants are now ripped off,” said 89-year-old commuter Aubrey Mixon.

One commuter reported seeing four people laying down in a puddle of blood at the bottom of an escalator while waiting for the train. Eli Smith was confused, thinking a shooting had occurred, but instead, he saw an old woman with her face and shirt covered in blood. A police detective later told Smith that there was no gunshot.

Escalator ripped off commuter's pants

A woman’s pants were ripped off by an escalator. As she descended, the woman was holding a toddler, Evan. The three-year-old is a cute black kid in a parka. He keeps looking at Joshua Bell. A small crowd gathered to see what happened. The woman, however, was not hurt. Her pants were ripped off but there was no visible injury.

Escalator prank creators

One of the most popular videos featuring pants guy escalator creators is one posted by YouTuber Andra Gogan. The video shows the prankster placing his phone on a moving escalator step and dancing to a French love song. After the dance, he waves to his target and makes a funny video of the scene. The video has received over 30 million views. The video also shows a number of people watching the prankster’s actions as he waits for the victim to finish his or her dance.


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