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U.SWas Derek Medina Justified in Stabbing Rip of Jennifer Alfonso?

Was Derek Medina Justified in Stabbing Rip of Jennifer Alfonso?

In the wake of the wrongful rip Jennifer Alfonso, the media is debating whether Derek Medina was justified in shooting her with a knife. In the case of Alfonso, the defense has painted her as the bad guy. The actress had a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Furthermore, she had a 10-year-old daughter from a previous relationship. In short, a lot of reasons have been made to make Alfonso the villain in this tragic case.

Jennifer Alfonso was Ripped by a Knife

On the morning of December 19, 2011, police found the body of a woman named Jennifer Alfonso, who had been stabbed to death. Her husband, Derek Medina, had a long history of violence against his wife. Medina claimed the stabbing occurred after the couple had gotten into a heated argument. Afterward, Medina returned home and armed himself with a gun. When Alfonso returned, he confronted her in the kitchen. Then, he shot her in the chest and a handgun.

Medina was sentenced to life in prison for killing his wife in August 2013, announcing the murder on Facebook. He told investigators his wife had threatened him with a knife before he opened fire. He later admitted to posting a picture of her dead body on Facebook. The photo was left up for five hours, and Medina was given a life sentence. However, he still managed to upload the photo before his arrest.

Medina told police he had been having an argument with Alfonso in the morning and aimed the gun at her. When Alfonso said she was leaving the room, he followed her to the kitchen and confronted her there. Apparently, she had been arguing with Medina while holding the knife, and he had a gun to defend himself. He continued punching Alfonso and then stabbed her repeatedly with the knife.

The woman’s mother, elder Medina, drove her son to the police station and turned him in. The elder Medina said he recognized the girl in the apartment as Alfonso’s daughter from a previous relationship. The son said he had a rocky relationship with the woman, and that he wanted to show the family what he did to her. He also told police that he thought she was abusing him, though he did not do it. Earlier, he and Alfonso divorced, but remarried last year.

Derek Medina Claimed he Shot her in Self-Defense

A jury is deliberating whether to find Derek Medina guilty of murder or to find him not guilty because he acted in self-defense. The trial heard testimony from Derek Medina, who did not take the stand in court. However, he volunteered a statement to police after turning himself in. Medina claimed that he shot his wife after years of abuse. He said that he shot his wife after he had become angry with her and had a gun.

Although he claims to have acted in self-defense, he admits to posting a photo of his dead wife to his Facebook page. He also says he intended to kill Alfonso because she threatened him and was planning to leave him. Prosecutors have claimed that Medina had repeatedly threatened his wife and he had no other option but to shoot her. If found guilty, Medina faces life in prison.

However, prosecutors say Medina had no criminal record before the incident. Although he claims he acted in self-defense, his attorney says he had been a drug addict and had even dabbled in Satan worship. His attorney may try to call his daughter to testify against him. Ultimately, Medina faces a life sentence if convicted. However, the jury can also opt to convict him of manslaughter, which is less than the more serious charge of murder.

The prosecution challenged the defense’s claim that Medina shot his wife in self-defense because his daughter had heard him fighting downstairs on the day of the murder. The prosecution questioned the defense’s argument that he was injured during the fight with Alfonso. Assistant state attorney Leah Klein asked Valerie Medina whether she was injured as a result of the incident.

Jennifer Alfonso Abused Drugs and Alcohol

A defense attorney for Medina says his client abused drugs and alcohol, and even dabbled in Satan worship. He is also charged with illegal discharge of a weapon inside the home, and neglect of a child. During Medina’s trial, the defense attorneys tried to introduce evidence of drug abuse and Satan worship, and even called one of her daughters to testify. Medina’s lawyer claims that his client acted in self-defense.

A new toxicology report shows that Jennifer Alfonso was not on hallucinogenic drugs at the time of her slaying. The report blows the defense’s strategy in the case. The drug test revealed that Jennifer Alfonso was not on bath salts at the time of her slaying, despite her claim that she was. The defense claimed that her wife had taken as many as 10 “bath salt” pills.

In his videotaped confession, Medina admitted killing his wife. He also admitted that his wife had been abusing drugs and alcohol for years. He said he had vowed to kill her if she left him. Jen Alfonso told friends she planned to leave him. She told friends that she was going to leave him, but he shot her instead. Her 10-year-old daughter was upstairs when she was shot.

The Miami-Dade County chief deputy medical examiner said that she had no reason to fight before she died. Derek Medina claimed that his wife had a knife and threatened him. They were fighting in the kitchen, according to his testimony. The defense says that the couple were not fighting. However, the prosecution argues that the couple were abusive and that Jennifer Alfonso abused drugs and alcohol.

She Had a 10-year-Old Daughter from a Previous Relationship

The shooting that killed rip Jennifer Alfonso, 39, has been the subject of an ongoing investigation. Police have obtained a search warrant and are documenting the scene of the crime. The victim’s 10-year-old daughter was upstairs when the killing occurred. Her son, Derrick Medina, is likely to claim self-defense. He is the son of Alfonso’s ex-husband. Medina’s father, Derrick Sr., told reporters that his son killed Alfonso after she brandished a knife at him. A former boss of Alfonso told a newspaper that her ex-husband was jealous.

According to Medina’s account, Alfonso threatened him with a knife during a verbal argument. Medina then allegedly went upstairs to retrieve his gun and confronted his wife in the kitchen. He claims that his wife started punching him. He then took a knife and shot her. The couple’s 10-year-old daughter was not injured in the shooting.

The book also claims that Medina was a ghost hunter who saved Alfonso from a poltergeist during the shooting of his ex-wife. Medina wrote about the incident in an e-book, but he later denied the allegations. It seems that Alfonso remarried after the alleged shooting. The e-book has not been rated by Amazon yet.

According to the book, Medina and Alfonso’s marriage was short-lived. In January 2010, Medina married Alfonso after a brief courtship. The relationship began to unravel and escalate. When she kicked him out, Medina posted a wobbly video of the scene. In another photo, the two appeared to kiss each other.

Derek Medina’s Web Persona Took a Nefarious Turn

After revealing his wife’s murder on Facebook, Derek Medina’s Web persona took a nefariously dark turn. On Aug. 8, Medina posted a picture of the dead woman’s body. He also warned his 164 Facebook friends he would be in the news. Within hours, the photo had been taken down, but Medina remained in police custody.

After Facebook removed the page, rip Jennifer Alfonso Medina was arrested for the murder. He was taken into custody by police on Monday after turning himself in via video. Medina faces a first-degree murder charge and has been placed in jail without bond. His lawyer has urged him not to speak to the media about his case. Medina’s relationship with Alonso was rocky. They first married in 2010 and divorced in February 2012. In March 2012, Medina bought a condo in Miami worth $107,000.

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