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U.SShedrick singleton jr: A New Blog about Dating, Life and everything in-between

Shedrick singleton jr: A New Blog about Dating, Life and everything in-between

As someone who is constantly on the lookout for new content and shedrick singleton jr, I was happy to discover that the Single Unmonachy blog had a new entry this week. It’s been one year since the series first began and it’s time to reflect on where I was, where I am and what I’m doing next. The concept of singlemonchy.com really spoke to my soul. When you think about it, why do so many of us avoid being alone? We are social creatures by nature and we all know someone who is single. Whether it’s a sibling, a partner or ourselves, we enjoy company at times and want to be around people more often than not. So why would I ever choose to be single? In my case, it seems like there are two answers: 1) My friends keep asking me if I’m single and 2) Life is too short to be lonely! The way that this blog has worked out has been a bonus in itself. It’s given me the opportunity to discuss dating topics in an objective manner that isn’t maudlin or preachy but rather honest and realistic. There’s nothing wrong with looking for love in all the wrong places as long as you’re actively seeking it out!

New blog post: The struggle between being a ‘couple’ and a ‘single’

One of the hardest things about being single is accepting that you are. I know it’s a scary concept, especially for newly single people. We all have this idea in our head of what it’s like to be in a relationship and how it feels. But the reality is that being single is actually a lot less stressful than being in a relationship. So if you’re ready to give it a go, here are 5 things that you need to know.

Start small. You don’t have to go out with the first person that comes into your life. In fact, it’s probably best to ignore Tinder and other dating apps. Start with 3-5 dates and see how it goes. If you feel comfortable with the person, then great, but if not, you’re bound to be Single No More.

Don’t let your feelings get hurt. People lie, they say things that they don’t mean and they make mistakes. So don’t be afraid to say you don’t feel comfortable with someone or that you want to end the conversation. It’s better to say it and then be done with it, than to get hurt and then spend the rest of your life feeling sorry for yourself.

Be patient. As you’re getting to know someone, things are going to move slowly. It may feel like you’re getting hit by a train but in reality, you’re just being patient. Emotions are unpredictable and you may feel frustrated or disappointed at times, but in the end, the person who’s not responsive will drop the dudel. On the other side, the person who is responsive will mail it.

Don’t be afraid to set boundaries. The lines that we’ve drawn for what it means to be single and what it means to be in a relationship are often arbitrary and shedrick singleton jr. Sure, there are times when you want to be with someone and there are other times when you want to be by yourself, but they should be consistent with each other. You don’t have to say why you’re doing one thing and then another thing else. Just be consistent and kind.

Don’t forget about the cyberbombs. We’ve all been there, we’ve all done it, we’ve all been there again: You’re out with your friends having a great time, having a lot of fun and then, BAM! You receive a cyberbomb. We all deserve to be safe and protected on the internet and if someone is sending you inappropriate messages or making you feel uncomfortable, you have the right to report them to the authorities.


At the end of the day, the most important thing you can do is to be kind to yourself. If you’re honest with yourself shedrick singleton jr, you’ll find that the things you’re feeling aren’t necessarily ‘all or nothing’ situations. Give yourself permission to be happy when you’re with someone, even if they’re not your current boyfriend or girlfriend. In the end, the person that you’re with will tell you how they feel and how they want to be treated. The best way to do that is to be kind to yourself.

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