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U.SWhat I Can Learn From Congressman Paul Gosar: One of the Worst...

What I Can Learn From Congressman Paul Gosar: One of the Worst Men in Congress

If you take a look at Congress, you’ll find more than a few people who are extremely unqualified for their job. It doesn’t take much digging to find a representative who is awful in every way imaginable. Congressman Paul Gosar from Idaho falls into that latter category. That’s not to say there aren’t exceptional members of Congress; there are plenty of amazing men and women in the House of Representatives. There are also quite a few terrible representatives. Congressman Gosar belongs firmly in the second camp. He has demonstrated almost every sign of incompetence possible during his tenure in office so far, and he continues to frustrate voters more and more each day. While Gosar is one of the worst men in Congress, that doesn’t mean he’s not worth learning from. Here are just a few things I can learn from Congressman Paul Gosar: One of the Worst Men in Congress

He’s demonstrated a staggering lack of knowledge during his time in office.

One of the most important things an elected official can do is educate himself on the issues he’s voting on. It’s a requirement for the job! If Paul Gosar is any indication, you don’t need to be able to read or write in order to get elected to Congress. Gosar once misspelled “idiosyncratic” as “idiomatic” while questioning an expert witness. He also doesn’t seem to understand how the process works. For example, he tried to block a bill that would help veterans get mental health care. The problem? He had no idea how the bill worked. He thought it would give veterans vouchers for private mental health care. Even after being corrected, he still voted against the bill. Gosar has also shown a shocking lack of knowledge about the economy and immigration. This is someone who is supposed to be voting on issues that affect the entire country! One of the most important things an elected official can do is educate himself on the issues he’s voting on. It’s a requirement for the job! If Paul Gosar is any indication, you don’t need to be able to read or write in order to get elected to Congress.

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He has failed to stand up for his district and instead voted along party lines.

Paul Gosar was elected to Congress with the promise that he would fight for his district and not be a party line Republican. In truth, he has been a loyal party line Republican throughout his time in office. He voted in favor of the tax cuts despite the fact that they will hurt his district. He has voted to take away health care from millions of Americans, including many residents of his district. He voted in favor of the AHCA, which would have killed thousands of people with pre-existing conditions in his district. He even voted against the $1.5 billion package that would help the victims of natural disasters like flooding that have hit his district. He has also voted against the interests of his district on issues like the environment, gun control, and women’s rights. Voters in his district elected him to fight for them, and he has failed them time and time again.

He has demonstrated a disregard for basic human rights.

Paul Gosar has demonstrated a disregard for basic human rights on a number of occasions. He has voted to take away women’s rights and their ability to make their own medical decisions. He has voted against equal pay for women, despite the fact that women make up a majority of Idaho’s workforce. He has voted against a bill that would increase funding for treatment for people with mental health issues. He has also voted against a bill that would create a commission to study the impact that Russian election meddling has had on the United States. This is a huge problem! In fact, it’s part of a larger problem that exists within the Republican Party. The GOP has consistently demonstrated a disregard for human rights, including minority rights. They continually try to take rights away from groups they deem unworthy, including groups like immigrants and refugees.

He is quick to demonstrate that he’s a lackey for the Republican Party.

One of the biggest signs that someone is unfit for office is if they are unwilling to stand up for their beliefs. If a politician is quick to change their mind or vote along party lines, it usually means they are simply a lackey for the party they represent. Paul Gosar has been quick to show that he’s a lackey for the Republican Party. He has consistently voted in favor of Republican Party policies, including their attempts to take away rights from people who are already suffering. He has voted against popular policies like the DREAM Act, which would give legal status to undocumented immigrants who grew up in the United Gosar’s voting record is a masterclass in being a lackey for the GOP.


Paul Gosar has demonstrated almost every sign of incompetence possible during his time in office. While he is one of the worst men in Congress, that doesn’t mean he’s not worth learning from. Gosar’s failures are valuable lessons that can help inform our own decision making process. We can learn from the mistakes he has made, and we can make sure they never happen again.

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